KINGSTON, FRONTENAC, LENNOX & ADDINGTON Children, Youth & Family Services Collaborative

CYSPC Reports

Cultural Safety Training (January 2015)

The Aboriginal Services Committee developed a multi-step cultural safety training program for KFL&A Children and Youth Services Planning Committee using funds received through the Aboriginal Initiative 2014-15.  The training program included a full day training session held
January 9th, 2015; a comprehensive resource package was distributed in hard copy to all participants.

The articles, materials and list of additional resources and web sites distributed to workshop participants are posted here.  CYSPC members are encouraged to share these resources with their colleagues and co-workers.

Becoming an Ally (2015)
Cultural Safety Training: Resources&WebLinks (2015)
Cultural Safety: Exploring the Applicability of the Concept of Cultural Safety to Aboriginal Health and Community Wellness (2009)
Information Sheet: Culturally Based Equity for First Nations Children and Youth (May 2013)
Transitions in early childhood education and care for indigenous children and families in Canada: Historical and social realities (2010)
Cultural safety in practice with children, families and communities (2008)
Cultural Safety in Practice with Children, Families and Communities Poster (2008)
Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario (2015)

CYSPC Planning for Action Report (2014) Engagement as a Strategy for Change

Distributed at our 2nd annual Planning for Action gathering held at Dog House Studios in Napanee on June 6th, 2014.  Highlights accomplishments of large planning table and committees over past year and introduces projects and activities planned for 2014-15.  Includes feature article about CAMH Service Collaborative.  Available in both official languages.

Planning for Action Report 2014 (English)
Planning for Action Report 2014 (French)

Developing a Common Understanding of Family Engagement in South East Ontario (2014)

Project report prepared by Synergy Research and Evaluation Consulting in April 2014,  upon completion of collaborative project involving four children and youth services planning table in South East Ontario, including KFL&A Children and Youth Services Planning Committee.  The initiative was designed to support the planning tables in their effort to generate and adopt a common understanding of family engagement for the region.

Developing a Common Understanding of Family Engagement in South East Ontario (April 2014)

Data Primer (2014)

Prepared by Community Indicators & Measures Committee.  Introduces members to types, sources and possible uses of data and information readily available through public documents and government services.

CYSPC Data Primer (2014)

CYSPC Project Updates: October 2013

Introduces members to current co-chairs of our committees and work groups and includes an overview of systems-level projects being completed by the large planning table in 2013-14, with particular attention to implications for committees and work groups…a handy reference for new members!

CYSPC Project Updates: October 2013

CYSPC Planning for Action Report (2013)

Distributed at our inaugural “Planning for Action” gathering held at Renaissance Hall in Kingston  in June 2013.  Includes an overview of CYSPC, summary of work completed in 2012-13, and introduction to projects and activities planned for 2013-14.  Written to help CYSPC representatives, and committee and work group members, network information about the Children and Youth Services Planning Committee throughout their organizations.

Planning for Action Report 2013 (English)
Planning for Action 2013 (French)

Aboriginal Gathering: Are You One of the People (2013)

In March 2013, the Aboriginal Services Work Group hosted a gathering for Aboriginal service providers, elders and knowledge holders, and non-Aboriginal service providers working with Aboriginal communities.  The primary focus of the gathering was to explore and learn more about self-identification ~ what is it?; what does it mean to each of us?; how can mainstream organizations support self-identification for Aboriginal clients?

This report summarizes suggestions and ideas to promote safe, respectful self-identification for Aboriginal children, youth and their families generated by participants at the gathering.

Aboriginal Gathering Report: Are You One of the People? (2013)


Policy & Management Resources

Contains policy templates and examples and management resources.


Inclusion & Diversity Resources

A list of tools and resources to promote inclusion and diversity


Indigenous Training Library

This Guide was developed as a quick access resource for staff who have an interest in First Nation, Metis and Inuit history and/or are serving clients who identify with these cultures.


Aboriginal Resource Guide

Listings of Indigenous services, community-based groups and events.


Community News & Events

Maltby Centre Annual Meeting

Invitation below for the Maltby Centre Annual Meeting on September 23, 2024, at 5:30 pm. This is an in-person event at Maltby Centre, 31 Hyperion Court, Suite 100, Kingston, ...