KINGSTON, FRONTENAC, LENNOX & ADDINGTON Children, Youth & Family Services Collaborative

Resources, Reports and Research

The Ability Toolkit 2018

The Kit was developed to help parents and guardians support
their child or teen with a disability meet the Canadian 24-Hour Movement
Guidelines for Children and Youth. The Ability Toolkit provides information
relevant to adapting the guidelines to the unique movement abilities of
children or teenagers with any type of disability. Some information may be
especially useful for parents and guardians of children and teens with a
physical disability.

Ability Toolkit-Final-ENG     Ability Toolkit-Final-FRENCH 


The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescents
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (2015)

This timely report includes information about the effects of cannabis on the adolescent brain, explores possible links between cannabis use and mental illness among youth, and addresses the question of addiction in relation to cannabis.  The report also includes an overview of  available interventions and additional reference and research materials.
Click here for link to full report

The Mental Health of Children and Youth in Ontario:  A Baseline Scorecard
MHASEF Research Team, Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (March 2015)

This report describes the state of child and youth mental health and health system performance in Ontario in 2013/14 using ICES health administrative data, population-based survey data and school-level education data. The report includes 25 contextual and performance indicators. Findings for each indicator are presented along with a summary of findings that integrates results from multiple indicators. Future directions include a commitment to replicate the scorecard every two years to measure performance trends and to integrate more data to facilitate a more comprehensive evaluation of the child and youth mental health system.
Click here for link to briefing note and full report

Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth in Ontario

Over the past several years, the Advocate’s Office has contributed to the ongoing discussion on child and youth mental health in our province by making submissions and writing several reports, including a Statement on Child and Youth Mental Health in Ontario, which contains several recommendations for improving mental health services for children and youth in Ontario; and  Putting Youth in the Picture (2013), a report on special consultation process with young people living with mental health challenges.

Kingston First Peoples:  Purposeful Dialogues
Relationship Building:  Phase I
Terri-Lynn Brennan, Cultural Services, City of Kingston (2015)

Initial report on evolving strategy relating to how the City of Kingston establishes a relationship in working with Frist Peoples across our region and beyond.  Includes history of settlement across the area, snapshot of modern demographics, hopes for the future, and community recommendations for 5-10 year plan.
 Click here for link to drop-box posting

Know More:  A Guide for Parents and Guardians Talking to Teens about Relationships, Sex and Consent
Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (2015)

This practical Guide offers parents and guardians helpful information about talking openly and respectfully with teens about relationships, sex and consent.
Click here for free online copy

A Facilitator’s Guide:  Planning a First Nations Workshop for Parents
Best Start Resource Centre (2015)

This brief online facilitator guide is meant to assist in planning and presenting First Nation workshops for parents and caregivers of young children.

Working with French speaking clients (when you don’t speak French!)

Click on link below to access several excellent resources designed to help organizations and frontline staff work together with French speaking and Francophone clients

School Mental Health ASSIST:  Early Years Webinar (January 2015)

Review webinar slide deck to learn more about neurological development, play-based learning, skill acquisition and self-regulation for young children.
SMH-ASSIST-Early Years Webinar Slide Deck (January 2015)

Child Poverty, 25 Years Later:  We Can Fix This
2014 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Ontario

Campaign 2000 (November 2014)

In November 2014, the unanimous, federal all-party resolution to end child poverty by the year 2000 turns 25.  Over 1.3 million children in Canada and over 550,000 in Ontario live in poverty today.  This report tracks changes on a number of indicators, including those identified in Ontario’s Poverty Reduction Strategy, to provide a broad picture of child and family poverty in Ontario and to monitor poverty reduction.
2014 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Ontario (2014)

Youth Homelessness:  Coming of Age Reimagining the Response to Youth Homelessness in Canada

Stephen Gaetz (2014)

This peer-reviewed research document provides an evidentiary based argument for creating more effective responses to youth homelessness, encouraging communities, policy makers and service providers to approach youth homelessness in a new way.
Youth Homelessnes Coming of Age (2014)

Guide for Moving Forward on French Language Services in Ontario’s Child Welfare Sector (2013)

This report summarizes information and resources shared at a summit to promote knowledge and develop strategies on matters related to the delivery of French language services in the child welfare sector in Ontario hosted by the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) in February 2013

Many of the ideas and strategies relating to making active offers of services in FR included in the report can be readily adapted to other organizations and sectors.
Guide for Moving Forward with French Language Services in Child Welfare Sector (2013)

An Environmental Scan of Programs, Services and Resources for Positive Parenting in KFL&A Public Health, 2013

Provides overview of parenting programs found throughout KFL&A as confirmed by agencies and organizations surveyed in 2012.  Include service maps overlaid with EDI scores and recommendations and next steps.
Environmental Scan of Positive Parenting Programs (2013)


Policy & Management Resources

Contains policy templates and examples and management resources.


Inclusion & Diversity Resources

A list of tools and resources to promote inclusion and diversity


Indigenous Training Library

This Guide was developed as a quick access resource for staff who have an interest in First Nation, Metis and Inuit history and/or are serving clients who identify with these cultures.


Aboriginal Resource Guide

Listings of Indigenous services, community-based groups and events.


Community News & Events

Great Start Calendar October 2024

Great Start Calendar October 2024

Changes to KidsInclusive Referrals

Updated Online Referral System KI Referral Process Update Sept 2024 (2)