KINGSTON, FRONTENAC, LENNOX & ADDINGTON Children, Youth & Family Services Collaborative

Gathering Communities Making Connections A Guide for Indigenous Families and Children

Indigenous Regional Programs, Band Offices & Councils: Aboriginal & Rural Women’s Outreach Program

Aboriginal & Rural Women’s Outreach Program

Frontenac County Interval House PO box 21042 Kingston, ON K7L 5P5 & North Frontenac Community Service, Sharbot Lake
Jolie Brant
613 546-1833 x 22

Feather: Helping to access Community Elders, Knowledge Keepers, Ceremony, (eg. Sweatlodge, Moon Ceremony, Water Ceremony). Shell: May be able to help get four sacred medicines (Sweetgrass, Cedar, Tobacco, Sage).

Crisis line 1800 267 9445; 613 546-1777
TTYline 613 546-4461

Flexible and culturally relevant services for Aboriginal women who have experienced violence; Can do home visits and also has office at North Frontenac Community Service. Traditional Teachings
Healing Ceremonies, Women’s Circles, Safety Planning, Individual Counselling, Group Support. Holistic Health & Wellness, Parenting Support , Court & Legal Support You don’t have to do it alone.

Updating the Guide

This guide is a living document. Listings were suggested by community members and there was no selection or editorial committee. We have tried to ensure the guide is accurate and up-to-date. We do not endorse, promote or favor any particular organization person or event. We plan to update the guide every 6 months.

Please e-mail, call or text additions, corrections or deletions to Kate Brant 613 354-8937 (landline) or 613 391-7130 (cell) or Once the Guide is updated we will disseminate by way of the internet, websites, email lists.